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Glass Services in Olympia, WA

The Only Full Service Custom Glass Company in Thurston County

Residential, Commercial, and Auto Glass in Olympia, WA

Since 1978 D.K. Boos Glass Inc. has been the only full-service glass shop in Thurston County offering Residential, Commercial and Auto glass and window services. We service Olympia and Thurston County, Tacoma and the greater portion of Pierce County. Other areas we serve include Shelton, Aberdeen, and Rochester areas. Certain services of ours have an even larger service area. Contact us for more information and see if we can be of service to you.

Bathroom with integral countertop sink and glass doors

Custom Mirrors

If you need custom mirrors for your commercial or residential property, we can help you. D.K. Boos Glass Inc. is able to get you any type of mirror for any occasion, and it’ll all be custom work done by our professionals on site. Just contact us with your specifications and we will come up with a quote for you.

Pet Doors

Fed up of opening the door to let your pet out? Give your pet some independence and get rid of the tedious task of opening and closing your front door with an installation of a pet door! We can install a secure pet door which your pet can use to come and go freely. You will never have to get up to let your pet out again!

Custom Glass Door Installed in a Residence

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D.K. Boos Glass


1206 Franz St SE,
Lacey, WA 98503

Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

D.K. Boos Glass, Franz Street Southeast, Lacey, WA, USA