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Elevate Your Home with Expertly Installed Mirrors

When it comes to mirrors for your home and bathroom, your imagination is the only limitation. You don’t have to settle for an almost-perfect mirror. D.K. Boos Glass can create one that fits your space and taste just perfectly, or you can choose one from our extensive collection that covers a vast expanse of colors and styles. D.K. Boos Glass carries bathroom mirrors, wall mirrors, vanity mirrors, beveled mirrors, mirror frames, and more. Visit our showroom in Lacey to browse our mirror collection, or contact us today to discuss customization options.

Bathroom with integral countertop sink and glass doors

Custom Mirrors Made Just for You

We know that your tastes are unique, and every aspect of your home or commercial décor should reflect that. Don’t compromise with standard shapes, sizes, and colors that don’t quite fit your needs. Instead, give D.K. Boos Glass a call! We are able to create custom holes, shapes, colors, sizes, and bevels for the mirrors in your bathroom and home. Once you get in touch with us, our professional contractors will work with you to bring your request to life. Give us a call today to find out more about the different customization options that we offer.

Seamless Installation by Seasoned Experts

It’s no use creating the perfect mirror if it cracks before it even gets on your wall! D.K. Boos Glass is known for seamless, expert installation that respects both the fragility of glass and the level of service that you deserve. If you don’t need us to install your mirror after you have selected it from our catalog or we’ve created it from scratch, we can deliver it right to your door, or you can swing by to pick it up. Contact us today to talk to one of our mirror experts.

Your Trusted Partner for Quality Mirrors

D.K. Boos Glass has been your trusted mirror, glass, and window partner in Olympia, WA, for more than 40 years. We serve Olympia, the Thurston and Pierce County areas, Lacey, Tumwater, DuPont Lakewood, South Tacoma, and beyond, providing quality products from top industry brands, as well as expert installation services carried out by seasoned professionals. We provide quality service to both commercial and residential clients. Give us a call today, or request a free at-home installation estimate.

Visit Our Showroom in Lacey to View Our Mirrors

Whether at home or at your place of business, you don’t have to settle for bland mirrors that blend into the walls. Visit the D.K. Boos Glass showroom in Lacey, WA, to discover the beautifully designed mirrors we have available. Even better, contact us today to find out about your options for designing and creating unique custom mirrors.

Contact Us to Schedule an Estimate or Stop by Today!