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All you need to know about Sliding Glass Door Sizes

Natural light floods into your room from ceiling to floor. Watching a rain storm pass by as you drink a cup of coffee. Gazing out at the falling snow be blown into mounds around the yard. You can experience all of this by upgrading or adding a sliding glass door to your home. The sliding glass door of old isn’t your only option anymore.

The Basics

Choosing your sliding door is more than measuring your opening and then going down and picking one up off the shelf. Each of these steps will help determine the sliding door for your home. Start with your budget. How much are you going to spend on the door, shipping, and installation? You will need to consider the door frame size. The overall measurement of the door frame will be used to establish the sliding glass door dimensions. Then you will need to consider the thickness of the wall. The goal of the sliding door is to create a “pocket” the same thickness as the stud-work so the plasterboard (or other finishing product) can be directly laid over the pocket with the wall thickness. With the size of the door chosen, you will then need to choose the material of the door. There are countless varieties of types of glass with different levels of energy efficiency and abilities to withstand the typical weather conditions of your area. Finally, you will need to choose the type of door frame material; wood, vinyl, fiberglass, steel, or aluminum.

Sizes of Sliding Glass Doors

The Standard Sliding Glass Door: A standard sliding glass door is 80 inches tall with the width varying from 60-72 inches. The standard sliding glass door consists of two sections: a fixed glass panel and a sliding glass panel. Door frames are typically standard sizes to make replacements easily installed, but they are not the only option available to you.

The Two-Panel Sliding Glass Door: A standard two-panel sliding glass door is 80 inches tall varying in widths. The width of a two-panel sliding glass door is the entire width of both panels, and not just the part you enter and exit through. Some of the more common widths for two-panel doors are: 60 inches, 72 inches, and 96 inches.

The Three-panel Sliding Glass Door: The three-panel sliding glass door is much the same as a two-panel sliding glass door, but there are three panels that make-up the unit. The most common sizes of three-panel sliding glass doors are 80 inches tall and either 82 inches or 96 inches in width.

Customizing Your Sliding Door

At the beginning of this blog, it was stated that sliding doors of old are the only options, and here is why:

  • There is a variety of style. There are hinged French doors, French sliding doors, and contemporary sliding doors with thinner frames for maximum glass area.
  • There are a variety of colors and finishes. Almost any color or finish that you have on your home can be duplicated into a sliding door.
  • There are hardware choices. You have your choice of a contemporary look, classic looks, nickel, bronze, brass that can all be treated so they are corrosion resistant.
  • There are security options. Standard locks are available, but there are also reach-out locks, five-point locking, loop locks, track locks, and security bars.

Installing and Maintaining Your Sliding Door

Installation: The cost of installing or replacing a sliding door can cost between $1,000 and $7,500 with the national average of $2,510. The factors that make up this cost are: size of door, type of glass, frame material, number of panes, customizations to the door, and the cost of labor. If you are replacing an existing sliding door, you can cut costs by removing the existing sliding door yourself and prepping the area for installation.

Maintenance: Once your sliding door has been installed you will want to keep it in the best condition possible. To do this you will need to regularly: clean the glass and tracks, adjust the rollers for optimal sliding position, check the alignment, replace gaskets and weatherstripping, and replace rollers as they become worn.

D.K. Boos Glass

The “D” is for Dennis and the “K” is for Kathy. They started the company with Dennis in the field and Kathy in the office. The reins have been handed over to their son and his wife. We aren’t a big box store but provide a hands-on approach with our clients. Our experience helps us in designs and when we need to troubleshoot, and we stay knowledgeable to know the current trends and options available to you. If you have any further questions, contact us online or if you are near Olympia, WA come by and see us at 1206 Franz St SE, Lacey, WA 98503.